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Therapy for Raising Intuitive Eaters

"Your relationship with food is one of your earliest and most meaningful relationships. It’s also a relationship you will have for the rest of your life. It might as well be the best relationship that it can be."

- Evelyn Tribole

Many of my clients are a few years into their parenting journey when they seek out support around food and body concerns. As with many instigators in life, witnessing a child navigate their own relationship with food and body can activate deep personal histories and emotions within us as parents. Perhaps your child’s non-stop request for ice cream makes you bristle with concern. Or the pediatrician’s flippant (and harmful) comment about your child being in the higher weight percentile activates a part of you that wants to jump into action and “fix” the perceived problem.


Therapy for raising children with a resilient and intuitive food and body relationship starts with you.


I help clients disentangle their own relationship with food and body so they can serve as receptive and guiding supports to the young people in their lives. Therapy to raise intuitive eaters who have body resilience begins as a parent-focused process and involves understanding family and personal histories with food and body and challenging the myths that often fuel diet culture and disordered eating. I also work with parents, often times in conjunction with anti-diet dietitians, to strategize the implementation of Intuitive Eating for the family unit.


Occasionally, depending on the family, all family members may be invited to session to better understand the family’s food and body eco-system and culture to better support new ways of being.


The foundation of my therapeutic work is rooted in relational, psychodynamic, and social justice frameworks. My work incorporates Health at Every Size®Intuitive Eating, and my training as a Body Trust® provider. Sometimes, when shorter term coping strategies are useful, I introduce behavioral modalities, like Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Dialectical Behavior Therapy.

connect with me

Tel. 503.907.4584

Fax 971.288.0566


Green House PDX

2406 SE 60th Avenue, Suite 201

Portland, OR 97206

© 2023 by Christine Anderson Counseling. All rights reserved.

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